Schlagwortarchiv für: company decision

The importance of communication for business development

As an entrepreneur, it is your job to move your company forward. You want your company to be successful and prosperous and to develop with high turnover and even more EBIT. You are certainly aware that digitalization offers you opportunities, but also risks, and that not everything has been exhausted yet. So now you’re taking care of the digital change and designing a well thought-out plan for change management. You think of everything. If A does this and B does that, C will happen. Everything is planned through in a structured manner, IT is briefed, and now finally: the roll-out.

OKR as a contribution to more agility in the VUCA world

My own experience with OKR – When we started with OKR, I was skeptical. Another new wave? What a lot of effort! My attitude: I know what I have to do! In the past, I sometimes caught myself losing focus. What was still an A priority in the course of permanent change and what had become even more important in the meantime? Because it wasn’t clear, I sometimes put off important tasks, blanked them out until they caught up with me.

Female experts in leadership, please!

When I talk to CEOs, they are often looking for qualified women for supervisory board positions or for management. It’s not just a matter of meeting political targets. It is simply necessary to get more women into management positions. Diversity is one of the key factors in the „VUCA world“, where volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are increasing constantly. Companies in a complex environment, where rapid adaptations and innovations are necessary, will hardly survive if their leadership is purely white and male. This realization should slowly have reached all levels of companies with future aspirations.

Why, nevertheless, do (too) few women become C-Suite executives?